Arkham Horror LCG: The Best Decks and Starter Decks


Arkham Horror LCG put you into a world of horrors, where your choices and your chosen deck creates the story. A good deck is not just a pile of cards in arkham horror its live or die in the world of horrors. Whether you’re a new or an experienced investigator, building good arkham horror starter decks and the choosing best decks in arkham horror can help you alot.

Understanding Arkham Horror LCG Decks

Your deck in Arkham Horror LCG is not only a tool, but shows your playstyle. Every investigator brings their unique abilities and their deck enhances those abilities.Starter decks are defualt easy decks intended for new players. Custom-Built Decks are decks designed by players to fit the bill of a particular situation or playstyle.

The Best Starter Decks in Arkham Horror LCG

A good starter deck should be easy to use.It should come with a simple play style.
Arkam Horror LCG Starter Decks must have enough capacity to face several challenges.The decks must be balanced providing an equal amount of damage, investigation, and defense.

Best Starter Decks Recommendations
Roland Banks (The Federal Agent):
Well-balanced, as far as combat and investigation go.
Daisy Walker (The Librarian): Ideal for clue gathering and spell use.
Wendy Adams (The Urchin): Resourceful, great for evasion strategies.

The best tips for choosing starter decks in arkham horror card game is to familiarize yourself with your investigator’s ability.Adapt your strategy based on the scenario and modify the deck once you’re comfortable.

The Best Deck for Arkham Horror LCG

The best decks are balanced which are effective in both combat and investigation.They are
Flexible based how you cope with the challanges.

Best Decks Recommendations
Mark Harrigan and Agnes Baker: A combination of strength and mystical power.
Zoey Samaras and Rex Murphy: Perfect for situations that require for a balance of combat and clue-gathering.

Building Arkhan Horrors Own Decks

You can also build your own deck by understanding your investigator’s abilities as it will be the foundation of deck.Roland Banks loves gathering clues in hazardous areas.
Wendy Adams is a master of evasion, so she is excellent for high-threat scenarios.
Put cards that strengthen your investigator’s strengths.Balance your deck between attack and defense.Consider the specific challenges of the situation.

A thematic deck can add an extra layer of depth to the game. For example, a deck for Agnes Baker could be built around spell-casting and mystical themes.Optimize your deck by focusing on one or two core strategies.Removing cards that don’t consistently contribute.Trying new card combinations


The experience in Arkham Horror LCG is thrilling, and the deck is the key to success. Whether you play a starter deck or dive into custom builds and finding best decks in arkham horror, the game rewards creativity and strategic thinking. So gather your cards, consider your preferred playstyle and choose your investigators. The horror awaits for you!


What’s the easiest starter deck for beginners in Arkham Horror LCG?
The Roland Banks Starter Deck I would recommend for the excellent balance between combat and investigation.

Can I mix different expansions in building a deck?
Absolutely, if this fits the requirements of a deck your investigator mustered.

How often should I upgrade my deck?
I like to update mine regularly, mostly after getting experience points.

Does thematic deck play well within Arkham Horror LCG?
Even though thematic decks are designed more for storytelling they can be just as competitive provided you have a plan.

What’s a good way to play with a new deck?
Play through easier campaigns to try out and test your tactics.

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